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Explore our wide selection of premium made to measure blinds and shutters


Our homes are guided by the natural light that we choose to bring in. For our bedrooms we may want less light to enter when we sleep but in our living rooms we want to create a bright and airy atmosphere. Blinds are a great way to create these ambiences and our made to measure wooden blind styles could be ideally suited to your home.

By choosing Maynelines Blinds you will have wooden blinds fitted to your home in the style that you are searching for. We believe that one of the finest blinds that we can create to your requirements are Venetian wooden blinds and our range of options will be sure to create the atmosphere that each room deserves in your home.

How to order made to measure wooden blinds with Maynelines Blinds?

Size: The most important stage is getting the dimensions correct. This long-term investment will not be worth it if the size is slightly off. Our made to measure service will ensure every millimetre is accounted for.

Slat style: Our wooden Venetian blinds come with two slat options for you to choose from. Depending on what room and how private you wish that space to be, you can select something befitting of your needs.

Colour: We make sure that our made to measure wooden blinds can be altered to suit your colour preferences. We have a range of shades to show you before you make your choice.

To find out more about our work and how to get started, speak with our team today.


Made to Measure Blinds

Made to Measure Shutters

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Adding style whilst saving on energy costs

Due to the increasing energy costs, it is expected that 2023 will be a year focused on energy conservation. The major cause of heat loss from homes is usually the windows and doors. Therefore, choosing the right type of blinds can be of great assistance.

We have a stylish range of the most efficient eco-friendly blinds, including blackout blinds which are effective in insulating windows and so act as good insulators.

If your aim is to lower your heating expenses or reduce your carbon footprint, we can assist you in choosing eco-friendly, sustainable, and energy-efficient blinds that are perfect for you and your home or business.


CALL 01252 624455 or email us on sales@maynelines.com




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